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o pamięci / ABOUT MEMORY

instalakcja/instalaction, czas trwania/duration ~ 30 min., warsztaty/workshops Skoki, luty 2007

Screeny/ Kadry:

'o pamięci' / 'ABOUT MEMORY'

instalakcja/instalaction, czas trwania/duration ~ 30 min., warsztaty/workshops Skoki, luty 2007

In my opinion it was the most important action on my art - highway.
Workshops were about memory. We tried to research memory as a kind of creature very compact and complicated.
Every single person had different point of view.
Every single day of workshops was full of small actions related to memory. In the every single evening people were very tired.
I decided to work it out. And use that tiredness of mind for my action.

The action was about memory. I was just laughing my head off.